
Category Archives: Dentistry For Females

Dental Issues That Are Unique To Females

While we all know that women face different general health risks and illnesses than their male counterparts, many do not realize that females also face unique dental health issues. As a health care provider, I feel it is of paramount importance to not only be mindful of these factors, but to also educate patients accordingly […]

The Latest Dental Research… And How It Applies To You

As a Dentist, I spend many hours reading dental Journals to ensure that I keep current in my field. Taking things a step further, I thought I’d share a summary of some of the latest research findings with you and provide some recommendations accordingly. Cheese may prevent cavities Journal: General Dentistry Summary: Researchers looked at […]

Inflamed Gums… What They Could Be Telling You

Inflamed gums are a common concern for many people. If ignored, they could lead to tooth loss or even more serious consequences if the inflammation is a sign of a medical condition. There are many reasons to explain why gums can bleed, become sore and swollen, including… Using the wrong type of toothbrush Toothbrush bristles […]

Pregnancy and Oral Health

There are tremendous changes going on throughout a women’s body during pregnancy and her mouth is no exception. It is especially important for a mother-to-be to maintain excellent oral hygiene practices during this special time in her life. Pregnancy Gingivitis Over half of all pregnant women experience a condition during pregnancy called Pregnancy Gingivitis. Caused […]

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