
Category Archives: Dental Implants

Good Dentistry: It’s Worth The Wait!

We live in a society that has made us all somewhat impatient. We all want and expect immediate gratification… fast food, three-minute insurance quotes, and I could go on. Unfortunately, when many aspects of dentistry try to jump on this bandwagon (or should I say speeding train!) the results in my opinion, can be quite […]

Dry Socket: What You Need To Know

One of the most severe types of oral pain that one can experience is associated with a condition called dry socket. I therefore feel that this is an important topic upon which to shed some light, as knowledge can help reduce people’s chances of having to experience the miserable consequences of this dental condition. What […]

Dental Implants: Teeth That Look, Feel And Function Like Your Own

The loss of permanent teeth can drastically affect your appearance, self-confidence and ability to enjoy certain foods. Fortunately, there is a solution in dental implants. There are many advantages to implants over bridges and dentures: Implants look like real teeth Only you and your dentist have to know that you have had an implant! Implants […]

Do you love your smile? (And do you know why?)

Most of us know whether we like our own smiles or not – or someone else’s for that matter – but many are not aware of what actually makes a smile beautiful. Beauty is not necessarily in the eye of the beholder; scientific studies have demonstrated that behind every great smile is a quantitative and […]

Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth – Regardless Of Where They Are

Understandably, patients often feel the need to replace teeth missing from the front of their mouths as they simply don’t like the unsightly gaps in their smile. When teeth go missing at the back of their mouths however, people are sometimes not as inclined to do anything about it – usually because they believe that […]

Titanium – Revolutionizing Sports… and Dentistry!

When many of us hear the word “titanium”, we may think of the latest and greatest golf club or tennis racket. What is not widely recognized amongst the general public however, is how important a role titanium has played in revolutionizing modern day dentistry. Whereas stainless steel and gold alloys were once utilized for most […]

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