
Category Archives: Early Orthodontic Treatment

Good Dentistry: It’s Worth The Wait!

We live in a society that has made us all somewhat impatient. We all want and expect immediate gratification… fast food, three-minute insurance quotes, and I could go on. Unfortunately, when many aspects of dentistry try to jump on this bandwagon (or should I say speeding train!) the results in my opinion, can be quite […]

Do You Grind Or Clench Your Teeth? Some Facts On Bruxism…

Bruxism is not an uncommon problem, faced by as many as 20% of the population. Commonly known as tooth grinding or clenching, it is usually a nighttime activity and is classified as a sleep disorder and a habitual behaviour. “I Don’t Have Bruxism!” … Are You Sure? Unless someone observes you grinding your teeth in […]

Do you love your smile? (And do you know why?)

Most of us know whether we like our own smiles or not – or someone else’s for that matter – but many are not aware of what actually makes a smile beautiful. Beauty is not necessarily in the eye of the beholder; scientific studies have demonstrated that behind every great smile is a quantitative and […]


Thumb- or finger-sucking is a very common habit of infants and toddlers, occurring in about 20% of children ages 2 to 6. The behavior is an outgrowth of a child’s natural sucking reflex, which is necessary to ensure that babies can get the nutritional requirements they need in order to thrive. The habit is self-reinforcing […]

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