
Category Archives: Tooth & Gum Care

Are You Concerned About Bad Breath?

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a very common
problem. In most cases of halitosis, the bad breath
 originates from the mouth itself. Its intensity varies throughout the day, depending on various factors. 
Certain foods like garlic and onions, smoking and
alcohol consumption can all be contributing factors to
 bad breath. “Morning breath” is due to […]

Dental Floss FAQs

Given how many different brands and types of floss there are on the market, I can understand how easily someone can become overwhelmed when trying to decide which one to use. While each floss option may have its unique advantages, the short and simple answer is that most will do just fine. When it comes […]

Important Facts You Need To Know About Oral Rinses: Be A Mouthwash Maven!

There are essentially three ways in which I’d categorize oral rinses: Those that are only available by prescription though your dentist or physician, otherwise known as “medicated”; Rinses that members of the general public can purchase at a store – these are often referred to as “non-medicated”; and finally, a rinse that anyone can make […]

Inflamed Gums… What They Could Be Telling You

Inflamed gums are a common concern for many people. If ignored, they could lead to tooth loss or even more serious consequences if the inflammation is a sign of a medical condition. There are many reasons to explain why gums can bleed, become sore and swollen, including… Using the wrong type of toothbrush Toothbrush bristles […]

When You Just Can’t Brush…

In an ideal world, we would all brush and floss after every snack and meal. Having said that, even I must admit that it’s not always possible for me to get to my toothbrush as often as I should. Fortunately, there are some good alternatives to brushing that can be relied on during those times […]

Diabetes and Dental Health

Many are aware of the serious ways in which diabetes can impact an individual’s general health, but fewer know about the strong relationship that exists between diabetes and one’s dental health. Higher risk of gingivitis Diabetes reduces your ability to fight bacteria, which causes a plaque build-up on teeth. The longer the plaque remains, the […]

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